Sign up with Taboola, the world’s largest content discovery platform, and you’ll be able to reach billions of potential customers on top publisher sites across the world.
We provide two options to get you started: by contacting us, or self-service sign up through our setup wizard.
Contacting Taboola
If you would like Taboola to assist with your signup process, send us a note at After you complete the form, we’ll get back to you within 1-2 business days with further instructions.
Self-Service Signup
You can also sign up and start advertising with Taboola on your own, using our signup wizard. Click here to sign up and follow these four easy steps:
Step 1
On the Account Details page, fill in your basic details, such as your email, name, country and company name and size. After entering your details, click Next.
Step 2
The Create Campaign page is where you can set up your first Taboola campaign. You’ll need to choose a name for your campaign and create campaign items here.
Campaign Name - We recommend choosing a name that best describes the product, the platform and the country in which the campaign will run. For example “Shoes - US - Mobile”.
Campaign Items - These are what your users will see and click on. Enter the URL of the page you want to promote. This could be almost any type of web page, such as a blog, video page, or product page. Click on Add URL and our item generator will create a campaign item for you automatically. You can add up to 10 campaign items
When you’re done adding your items, click Next.
Learn more here about how to set up a new campaign once you’ve signed up.
Step 3
On the Targeting and Budget page, you’ll set the audience you want to target and decide what your budget will be for your campaign. Keep in mind that you’ll have access to additional, more advanced targeting options once you complete the sign-up. Learn more here about the targeting options available in Backstage.
Country - Choose the country you’d like to target. If you want to target worldwide rather than a specific country, select “All Countries”.
Platforms - Here you’ll choose what devices you want to target. This could come in handy if the website you’re promoting is not mobile-friendly, or if you want to run a campaign solely on a specific platform.
Daily Budget - Enter here the amount you’d like to spend per day. Keep in mind that while your actual daily spend might vary. Once you set up your campaign, you can also change your budget and pacing options. Learn more here.
Cost per Click (CPC) - This is the cost you’ll pay each time a user clicks on your campaign item. Remember, you pay only for clicks, which means that even though many people might see your item, we only charge you when someone has shown real interest in your content. Learn more here.
Click Next once you’re done.
Step 4
The last step is the Checkout page, where you’ll enter your Contact Details and Payment Details. Here you’ll fill in your full address, credit card details and security code. In addition, you’ll need to agree to Taboola’s terms and conditions in order to complete the setup. For additional billing information, click here.