This article will cover how you can see your history of credit card payments and access your current and past invoices within your dashboard.
Reviewing Payment History
If you are on credit card billing and wish to review your charge history, you will navigate to the “Payments and Invoices” link found on the left side of your dashboard. The default screen will show you your payment history where you can review all charges placed on your card.
You will see information on the following six items:
Payment Method - This will show the last 4 digits of your credit card number and the type of card used to pay
Date - This is the date that the card was charged
Amount - This is the amount of campaign spend charged to the card
VAT - If you are in a region where VAT must be charged, that amount will reflect here
Fees - This field displays the total cost of credit card processing fees associated with the payment
Status - This will reflect whether or not the attempted charge was successful or failed
If you need to review this information in greater detail, you will be able to Export the data in the top right corner of the screen.
Reviewing Current and Past Invoices
If you are paying by prepayment, automatic billing or by-monthly invoice, you or your accounting team may need to access current or past invoices. These will all be available directly from your dashboard. You will also still receive these invoices as emails to your primary billing contact.
From the same “Payments and Invoices” screen, navigate to the “Invoices” tab found at the top left of the page.
Here, you will see the following 4 fields:
Invoice - This will show you the invoice number and is hyperlinked. Clicking on this link will populate a PDF version of your invoice in a new tab.
Date - This is the date that invoice was issued
Amount - This reflects the total amount of monthly spend associated with the invoice. Note that your amount due may be different than this value depending on payments that have already gone towards the open amount.
Status - This will let you know whether the invoice is “open”, “ past due”, or “paid”
Providing Access
This link is available to any user in your account that is able to review your “billing” details. If you or any of your team members need access to this information, please contact or your account manager to create a new user log-in for the account.