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Event - Based Conversions
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Written by Maya
Updated today

Creating a New Conversion

Once you’ve created and installed your base pixel, you can start to set up and create conversions.

To get started, do the following:

  1. Go to the Tracking tab in Realize, and select Conversions. Here you can view existing conversions, or set up a new one.

  2. Click +New Conversion to set up and start tracking a new conversion.

  3. There are two types of conversions:

  • URL-based: Tracks every time someone visits specific web pages as a conversion. For example, a thank you page with users who reached any URL containing “thank-you.html” on your site.

  • Event-based: Tracks every time someone completes a specific action as a conversion. For example, users who submitted their email on your site or subscribed to a newsletter.

With event-based conversions, you will track every time someone completes a specific action. You can use event-based conversions for special (and sometimes more complex) scenarios such as tracking users who read up to a certain length or percentage of the page, clicking a button, or for tracking engagement on a page, where people are not leaving too quickly and are reading the content.

  1. In the Conversion Set-Up section, enter the name of your custom conversion in the Conversion Name field. Use a unique and descriptive name for your conversion; for example, ‘Download whitepaper’.

  2. In the Conversion Properties section, select a Category that best describes the conversion you're defining.

  3. In the Event Name field, use a unique and descriptive name for your event. This name will appear in the code snippet and will help you or your Webmaster recognize it when you implement the code on your site.

  4. In the Conversions Window field, you can set your click through conversion lookback window. It allows you to set the period of time for which you want to count conversions that take place after people click on your ad. This can range from 1-30 days; the default is 30 days.You can also set the period of time for which you want to count conversions that take place after someone viewed your ad. This can range from 1-24 hours; the default is 24 hours.

  5. In the Total Conversions field, you can select per conversion rule to include or not include a particular conversion as part of your total conversions reporting column. This lets you control how you bid for conversions and customize the data you want to see in your reports. Choosing not to include a particular conversion in the column means your automated SmartBid strategies won’t bid for these particular conversions.
    - You should always include the most important conversions, as the Realize algorithm will optimize towards these conversions.
    - Changing this setting will affect reports for the past 30 days.
    - In the Conversion table, instead of the Modified by column, there will be a column indicating which conversions are included in the total.
    - Older pixel conversions and S2S conversions will continue to be counted towards the totals.

  1. In the Value field, you can add a value to each of your conversions. Adding a value will help you measure the return on ad spend for this conversion. For example, $1 per lead.

  2. The event code at the bottom of the page can either be copied to a clipboard (and sent to the Webmaster to put it on all the site’s pages), or downloaded to an HTML editor and then sent via email, for example. Note that it will take approximately 30 minutes from firing until you see the conversion.

  3. In the Embed Code section, add the event code below the </head> tag to track the event on page load. Otherwise, to track the event for an inline action, attach the event code to the relevant HTML element. Note that if your Taboola Pixel is not installed on the page, your event will not be recorded.

  4. Click Create Conversion to create and add your new conversion.

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