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Targeting Marketplace Audiences
Maya avatar
Written by Maya
Updated today

To drive the best performance possible for your campaigns, Realize provides audience targeting options based on interest, behavior, demographics, and intent (note: varies by market).

This allows you to focus your spend on audiences you want to target or audiences who are most interested in buying your product or services.

This article will review how to target those audiences initially, and how to access the Audience report to find the best audiences to target. Then, it will review how to set up a campaign to target these top performing audiences.

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How to Access Audience Reporting

To access reporting, take the following steps:

  1. Go to the Audiences view within the Campaigns tab in Realize. Here you will see the performance of your campaign by audience segment.

  2. Select the relevant campaign you’d like to see the audiences for.

  3. (Optional) In the top right corner, select the date range you want to view.


  4. Here you will be able to see relevant performance metrics like Viewable Impressions, Viewable Click-Through Rate (vCTR) and conversion rate, shown by audience segment, collected over the timeframe you selected. In the report you’ll also see the name of the data provider of each audience segment in the Partner column.

  5. Use the CVR vs Avg. column to identify audience segments recommended based on their performance against the campaign's average conversion rate. The segments with the strongest recommendations will be highlighted in green. These audiences are the most likely to yield successful results for your campaign. Not all campaigns will have recommended audience segments. If you find a blank cell in the CVR vs Avg. column for any audience segment, it means that either there's insufficient data to generate a prediction or the segment may not positively contribute to your campaign results.

Important Notes:

Users within the Taboola network may belong to several audience segments. For example, a user could be categorized as “Male,” “Business Professional,” and “Pet Owner”. As a result, clicks and actions performed by a single user may be represented across multiple segments in the Audiences report. This overlap means that the cumulative data in the report – including clicks, spend, and actions – can exceed the total numbers recorded for the entire campaign.

How to Create Campaigns Targeting Specific Audiences

There are two ways to launch a new audience targeted campaign:

Create Campaign From Scratch

Firstly, you can apply audience targeting when creating a new campaign. Once you get to the Audience Targeting section, here you can target different marketplace audiences by either searching for the audience you're looking for or selecting audiences from the drop down list. For example, if you wanted to target users between age 18-24, by selecting this group you would target all segments related to these ages.


Important Note:

The country targeting affects which audiences will be available, as not all audience segments are available in every location.

Create Campaign From The Audiences Tab

Audience Targeting Best Practices

Keep Run-Of-Network Campaigns Running: One of the main benefits of audience segment targeting is the ability to access audience segment data in any Realize campaign in the Audience tab of the Campaigns view in Realize Ads. To maintain your reach as well as the ability to continually optimize your data-targeted campaign you should continue your RON campaigns. This way you will stay informed… Maintain run-of-network, wide-reaching campaigns in order to stay informed about which audiences are engaging or converting most efficiently with your content. Let the data speak for itself.

Increase Your CPC Bids: As with any granular targeting functionality, focusing your campaign on a specific audience greatly reduces your potential scale. In order to maintain scale on campaigns when targeting specific audiences, it is strongly recommended to run these campaigns with a higher CPC bid than your run-of-network campaigns.

Audiences FAQs

In which countries are audiences available?

Most of the audiences are available globally. When you set location targeting for your campaign, the available audiences for that specific country will automatically appear in the drop-down list under Marketplace Audiences.

Can I combine audiences from different data providers?

Yes. For Sponsored Content campaigns, in the marketplace audiences UI, if you select an audience from a provider that doesn’t support “multi-partner”, adding audience segments from other providers will be disabled. Vice versa, if you select an audience from a provider that does support multi-partner, providers that don’t support it will be disabled for selection.

For Video campaigns, you can target multiple segments from the below providers within a single campaign:

  • Bombora

  • Connexity

  • Neustar

  • Specialist Marketing Services

  • WeatherAlpha

  • Taboola

  • Webbula

How do I know the size of the segment I'm targeting?

In the Audience Targeting section of Edit Campaign in Realize, you can view the size of your marketplace audiences (third party data and Realize Audiences) on Sponsored Content campaigns. The Audience Size shows the estimated number of people in an audience monthly, averaged over the last 30 days. The size will appear next to the provider name as seen below. The estimated size includes the selected countries, but does not include other campaign restrictions such as blocked publishers, platform etc.


Important Notes:

If audience size couldn't be retrieved (due to a technical issue), you will see "couldn't retrieve size". Any size below 100K will be shown as "<100K". These audiences are not recommended for targeting as they are expected to yield very low scale.

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