This means the video creative seems to have technical or user experience issues that reduce the quality of your video. Your video creative must play smoothly and must be high resolution, cropped well, not overly discolored, and must have minimum original dimensions of 1000px in length and 600px in height.
How To Fix This
Make sure that your video creative is compliant with our policies.
Some common explanations why campaign ads get rejected for this reason include:
The video seems to be choppy or may not be playing smoothly. Try rendering your video to an alternate video format, and resubmit your campaign ad.
The video seems to loop in a way that does not make sense to the viewer. This may occur if the uploaded video extends past the length limitations allowed for video creatives.
The video seems to use overly disruptive tactics such as flashing colors, lights, or screens.
The video dimensions seem to be too low.
The video seems to use low-resolution footage. Do not stretch footage that falls short of the minimum dimension requirement in order to make it fit a video that is set to larger dimensions; this may reduce sections of the video resolution or distort sections of the video.
To learn more about this rejection reason, see thumbnail technical requirements here and thumbnail best practices here.
To learn how to fix and resubmit your campaign or campaign ad, click here.