There are two ways to launch a new audience targeted campaign:
Create Campaign From Scratch
Firstly, you can apply audience targeting when creating a new campaign. Once you get to the Audience Targeting section, here you can target different marketplace audiences by either searching for the audience you're looking for in the dropdown, or selecting a group of audiences from the category drop down. For example, if you wanted to target an age segment like 18-24 year olds, by selecting this group you would target all 3rd party segments related to these ages.
the country targeting affects which audiences will be available, as not all partners provide audience segment data in all locations.
Create Campaign From The Audiences Tab
This option allows you to duplicate the run of network (RON) campaign and add the selected/desired audiences. This option is best if you wish to create an audience targeted campaign that is strongly predicted to perform well based on data from the RON campaign.
In order to create a campaign from the Audiences report, do the following:
Go to the Audiences view in the Campaigns tab of Realize.
Select the RON campaign you’d like to create a new campaign from (in other words, the campaign you will copy with the exception of the audience segment targeting).
Review the Conversion Rate to Avg. column to identify the strongest audiences for your campaign goals.
Tick check boxes of the audiences you would like to target
Important note!
Each data provider will need their own campaign, you cannot combine multiple providers in one campaign.
Click on Duplicate Campaign using Audiences
You’ll reach the New Campaign page, which will include all of the settings from your original campaign, including the audiences you’ve selected to target.
Expert Tip!
Targeting audiences will most likely decrease the number of users are able to see this campaign. In the settings page of your new campaign, your CPC will be adjusted to the minimal CPC recommended to maintain scale. We recommend that the CPC be at least 10-20% higher
Make any necessary changes to the rest of your campaign settings, and click Continue. Then you will be able to edit campaign items in your campaign if needed.
Important note!
We recommend to select a campaign that has a spending history of at least two weeks at $50/day and is running on all the Taboola network without many restrictions (for example, is running only on specific sites or targeting only one region), in order to have enough data to predict the best performing audiences for you.