This means that the thumbnail of your campaign item does not seem to align with the current campaign quality rating..
Example: Your thumbnail seems to be gimmicky.
Example: Your thumbnail seems to be a closeup of a body part.
How To Fix
Create a new campaign for the campaign items that do not match the quality rating of the current campaign.
You can also reach out to your account manager or to request a change to the quality rating. Keep in mind that this may restrict your campaign’s scale on the network, and we recommend setting up a new campaign instead of changing the quality rating of a running campaign.
Review our campaign quality rating guidelines closely to ensure that no aspect of your campaign contains anything that does not match the current campaign quality rating. Here is a non-exhaustive list of reasons why campaign items may be rejected from a Level 1 quality rating:
The thumbnail seems to be gimmicky.
The thumbnail seems to show a closeup of a body part.
The thumbnail may show relatives of a celebrity who are not famous in their own right.
The thumbnail seems to contain heavy kissing.
To learn more about this rejection reason, click here
To learn how to fix and resubmit your campaign or campaign item, click here.