This means that there are user experience issues. Either certain elements of the page do not function in the way the user might expect them to, the landing page is of poor quality or there are popups or other disruptions to the users experience on the landing page.
Example: The landing page content is in English but the website’s user interface is in Japanese
Example: The landing page has too many popups
Example: The landing page has buttons that when clicked drive to the wrong destination or don’t work
Example: The landing page interferes with the users ability to navigate around the page or away from the page (e.g. “back button hijacking” for slideshow content)
Example: The landing page content does not seem to make sense due to poor grammar or a poor translation
Example: The promotional video does not have full controls (fast forward, rewind, volume, user initiated sound) or a transcript linked to the page
How To Fix This
Check the following:
Check that the landing page complies with our landing page policies
Ensure that the user interface and buttons on the page function properly and are in the same language
Ensure that the grammar and spelling on the page are accurate and written in the same language used throughout the ad
Ensure the videos conform to our video policies
Once amended, resubmit the campaign ads
Some of the most common reasons this rejection is used include:
Using a non-functional navigation bar, links, buttons or play icons
Containing excessive popup ads or content
Using significantly altered images
Using an empty landing page
Using an unauthorized paywall
Using poor grammar on the landing page
Using a different language than the language used in the rest of the ad
Triggering a warning message when opening the page
To learn more about this rejection reason, click here.
To learn how to fix and resubmit the campaign or campaign ad, click here.